
A package manager for C++ and other assets


A package manager for C++ and other assets.

Wormy status: Wormy is still in alpha/beta testing, with features being developed or changed, and bugs being worked out.

Getting Started

Wormy is developed in Node.js and installable via npm. If you're coming from a background of pure C++, you may not know of Node.js, but that's okay. Just follow these steps to get going:

  1. Install [Node.js and npm] 1. Wormy is tested on Node 0.10.15 npm 1.3.5 at the moment, any anything newer should be okay. Older is untested.

  2. Globally install the CLI interface. Run npm install -g wormy-cli.

  3. Install the wormy package manager into your code base.

    • Go to your C++ (or other) project folder.
    • Run npm init to create a package.json file.
    • Run npm install --save wormy.
  4. Run wormy install --save dev-cpp/boost. (Or run wormy search to get list of other package options that are available.)

  5. If these steps succeeded, congratulations! If not, ask for assistance. Also note: save/commit the package.json and wormy.json files to your project. There is no need to commit the node_modules nor wormy_components directories, as these are completely under the management of the respective .json files.

  6. Special note for automation gurus: (1) install wormy-cli locally with npm install --save wormy-cli to avoid interfering with the global system installs, and (2) npm install can invoke wormy by adding to package.json an install script: { "scripts": { "install": "./node_modules/.bin/wormy install" } }


Wormy draws inspiration (and bits of code code!) from the web frontend package manager, Bower, and from Grunt-cli.